AudioBook- Own the Room

This week’s challenge has definitely been Own The Room– the wonderful book by Amy Jen Su and Muriel Wilkins. This book was on my Goodreads To-Read list. SO, when I noticed an audiobook version in my library, I borrowed it right away.  And then trouble started.

  • I do not have extensive experience of audio books. This book has tables which I could visualize but not keep up with in the absence of a tangible cue.
  • I listen to audio books while doing mindless tasks like ironing. Not a very good idea as far as this book is concerned. It is a self-help book, that means we need to listen carefully enough to absorb and emulate. Possibly, my visual learning made it hard for me to recall and associate the tables and reference to the ACE model. I know it is Assumptions, Communications and Energy. But, when I listened while multi-tasking, it was hard to recall all three. [Just writing that line makes me feel foolish. I am chanting “I am an Engineer. I have a Bachelors Degree with Distinction. I did an online course from Wharton” as I write to make myself feel better.]

I learned an important lesson in this experience.

Just like some books are to be savored and some skimmed, audio books need differing levels of attention. Sure, all the audio books I finished have been self-help books. But, they were more anecdotal in narration while this was more case study like. Also, two principal characters from the two case studies are carried throughout the book, which I found difficult to keep recalling. The reasons are many: distraction, divided attention, audiobook beginner handicap, preference to the written word and so on. I hope to listen to this book again during the holidays in longer bursts of time. Hopefully,  I shall be able to finish and retain the knowledge that time. Until then, I shall try other audio books and learn lessons from the experience if not the book.

As an aside, I want to add that I finished a third of the book. Up to this part, it was wonderful. I simply enjoyed learning about the ACE model, the four Voice Quadrants and Signature Voice. It was just the process and comprehension that I found difficult.

Have you listened to audiobooks? What were your experiences? Leave me your thoughts and tip sin the comments below.

Goodreads Challenge Update

With more than a month to go, this blogger is happy to report that I am well ahead in the GoodReads challenge I had enlisted for in January. My target was twelve books, way below my capacity but challenging, considering my work and travel. But, am happy to report that I am ahead on this one!! Yay!! Just one book and more than a month left to complete it in! Yippee!!!


All eager to ensure that the rest of the resolutions also get completed!! Have a blast this weekend! Take care!

Challenges- Updates

This week’s post is an update on the challenges/ resolutions I have completed:

  • #Challenge2016: Over at the awesome micro-volunteering site, HelpFromHome, I had enlisted for the challenge of doing volunteering activities for 2016 seconds. That is about 34 minutes. Well, I did it and more. So, time to celebrate!
  • As far as offering T healthy food items goes, moderate success there. We have been hitting our weekly food requirements most often. Our major setback came with trip to India. But seeing how she rocked jet lag, culture shock, adjustment to all the people, sounds,food and weather and the melee of weddings and functions, I know I have to let it slide.
  • My working out also took a hit in India. And the festive season of last month also made a dent. But, overall three times a week has been achieved. (With great difficulty, but totally done!)
  • Food logging went on and off, but with mindful eating- my weight has improved. And the workouts did help! fingers crossed for the rest of the year!
  • Blogging- I missed eight posts- five of which were during my India trip. No surprises there- when you have a messing to arrange and spearhead with your in-laws; blogging has to take  the backseat! No excuses for the remaining three! 😦

But the year is far from over. Still eight weeks to go and keep up the good streak up!

GO Cubs GO! (Sorry! Can’t resist the infectious enthusiasm of Cubs Fans!)

Puzzling Time

Ok- the title is my shameless attempt at a hook type of attention grabbing title. Hopefully, it will work.

Now on to the big reveal. Puzzling time is the hour that I spend daily watching (mostly) Toddler T  attempting various puzzles. Not to brag or anything, just saying, that this is how I am spending my time. ToddlerT loves her puzzles and with her growing intellect and dexterity and independence, (Hello Talking Threes!), they are a good way for her to learn grow and stay occupied.

The good parts:

  • Reduced Screen time
  • Educational Play
  • Learning, learning and more learning
  • Limited interaction needed, which means  Mommy can slowly increase periods of unsupervised Toddler time. (Someday I hope! Right now puzzles require me to at least lavish attention and delight on her prowess)
  • Mommy occasionally gets to do puzzles as well (only the really large/ new ones)

Not-so-good Parts:

  • Boring- toddlers and their love of repetition. Need I say more?
  • Sleep induction and the aftermath- I confess I nodded off twice this week in the midst if staring at my adorable toddler do the puzzles one by one, over and over again. The results  inciting ToddlerT’s wrath. She literally shook me awake and admonished me with a ‘No Sleeping. It’s Good Morning now!’
  • New puzzles are at certain times, difficult for me as well. Especially when the jigsaw and its illustrated cover picture are incomplete/ inaccurate. Makes it tough and exasperating for Mommy and ToddlerT.

But on the whole, it’s fun and  learning all meshed into one!



Dinosaur one was really perplexing the first time!

Weekly Update -15

List three awesome things that happened this week.

  1. Watched a whole movie with Hubs at a stretch while the little one was asleep. This is our first movie after almost two years that we viewed from start to finish in one go. (Note: Indian movies are three hours long, so we usually watch in chunks so as to not disturb our li’l gal)
  2. We had some friends over, so it was a splendid start to the year (especially after all the tragic news of the past year)
  3. One of my cousin sister is expecting a little one ; so again we are super excited!

Mention the one event or concept or person I felt strongly about.

Resolutions. It is my personal experience that resolutions are great because they help pin point things we want out of life. New Year resolutions help take that first step, the initial, excruciatingly difficult baby step to achieving our desires and dreams and ambitions. So, go ahead and make a resolution folks. even if it does not work out, you’re that much closer to getting what you want.

with that my resolution for the year- structured, disciplined use of social media. Details on how I am going to accomplish it, are still in testing phase, but I am getting there. I am doing it, so I have time for all my varied interests without feeling twinges of guilt that I am lapsing in any departments- as a mom, a woman, a programmer, friend. Wish me luck, friends!

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone great joy and immense success.

Wardrobe Challenge – Week 1

Ok, I did not click pictures but since I did follow the Wardrobe challenge for the first five days. Here is the update:

  1. White with Green Polka Dots top + Jeans; crystal green earrings
  2. Red and White Indian top + Jeans, red danglers
  3. JCPenney Orange and Maroon stripes T + Jeans, red crystal earrings
  4. Black Printed T + Jeans, large black hoops
  5. Brown-Yellow Indian top + Jeans, brown danglers (i’m wearing these earrings after a year!! Thanks Julie for inspiring me to use all my stuff via this challenge)

Ok, all my jeans are currently blue, different shades and styles. I’m thinking of getting a new pair in a different color but I love these. And anyway,the point is to use the existing clothes that are being unfairly relegated to the dark, unseen corners of my wardrobe.

I will also add that I did wear my grand red-green salwar kameez for a festival celebration at a friend’s place on the second, but that was for a few hours. Having fun with this challenge. Have a good weekend, Ta-ta.

Weekly Update – 4

List three awesome things that happened this week.
1. Finally uploaded an album that I’ve been meaning to for two months now.
2. Successfully started my Wardrobe and Cleaning challenges. Sure, it’s only been four days but I feel happy about the good start.
3. BabyT celebrated Kanya Puja for the first time. She loved the gifts.

Mention the one event or concept or person I felt strongly about.
It’s very important to challenge yourself. Whether you succeed or fail eventually, at least you have the satisfaction of having tried.

October Challenges

Hello fellow bloggers! October is here and that begins my Cleaning challenge. I am all excited to make it a success.

One of my pain points is ironing. There is always a pile stashed away that needs to be done. I get around hastily to doing Hubby’s formal wear as he needs it for office. But our casual clothes always lie unhappily in a corner, making me feel guilty. Several times I dally so long that they simply accumulate until I have to attack it with a vengeance.

I found this dare over at Planet Challenge and think it will be a simple and extremely fun way to solve my recurring problem. Awesome. Challenge accepted.

I’m already looking forward to get some ironing done so I have unique stuff to wear everyday. Excellent way to start this month.

Any tips to make ironing fun and quick are most appreciated. My next biggest challenge is  finding a practical system to take care of my post, bills and receipts. With BabyT being an active toddler, my Do-Delegate-Dump philosophy is not very useful. I am trying to come up with an easy workable solution. Let’s see how that goes.

Happy cleaning and keep writing folks. Sharing is caring, so let em know about your tips for a tidy home and organized paperwork. Ciao for now.

A Neat Challenge!

As the new month approaches, I’ve decided to take on a new challenge. Something that has been simmering in the back of my mind. Cleaning and staying neat.

Right now , I am not aiming for super clean, I am so organized, I can give people advice worthy clean but simply fairly neat. With BabyT turning twenty months and us settled into this new apartment and no more fussing for Grandma (my poor baby!), I can actually focus on this aspect of my household chores.

I am going to call October my Cleaning month and I have in all honesty already begun identifying problem areas. Here’s to a month of being creative while being clean and hoping to make it a regular habit.

Weekly Update – 3

It’s amazing interesting horrible startling how quickly another week has gone by. So, it’s time for a weekly update. I find it slightly sad that I have been doing weekly update for three weeks in a row. But then, the thought of five, or was it six weeks of no writing at all comes flashing to me. Obviously, the present alternative is better. So, here are the answers for the week.

List three awesome things that happened this week.

  • BabyT loves watching the trucks go by. She loves gazing out of the window (so long as I’m with her). It’s wonderful to see her so.
  • Finished reading the book Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot. Awesome. I love her epistolary style novels.
  • My Dad’s birthday. It’s today actually. BabyT got the words Happy Birthday almost right on Skype and that really made his day.
  • I know this is the fourth but I have to mention that India successfully accomplished MOM. Yahoo! As an Indian, I cannot help but feel proud and list this point. 🙂

Mention the one event or concept or person I felt strongly about.

For today, I would like to talk about the usage of the Magic Words and politeness in speech. It is silly  disappointing how those four words are fading. I am trying to teach them to BabyT through my own example and I am appalled to see the lack of polite conversations in adults. It’s as if we adopt these words only in the presence of little pitchers. I, for one, still do use all the magic words. Yes, I truly do.Admittedly, my Mom, to this day, admonishes me if I fail to mind my P’s and Q’s. Hmmm… I am also sorry that I need somebody to monitor me. And that so do so many of my peers.

It makes me wonder if my generation is slowly throttling politeness. We are embracing brevity in everything. That’s good  but not entirely. I think of Twitter, IM, 20-20 IPL, SMS language. We use minimal words. Ideally, that should be wonderful and lead to more powerful verse ( a la Ernest Hemingway style) ; but is it? I mention that our four magic words are fading. That is not the trouble. What I fear is that slowly, these four words are dying and four letter words are taking over.

Sounds ominous, doesn’t it? Hence, I’m trying to consciously adopt a more polite than necessary attitude. I can’t make the world change, true, but I can make my world change. At least a little bit.

On that hopeful note, thank you for reading this. And sorry, if there were any errors. (If so, please do mention them in the comments or email me.) Have a splendid weekend.